Create Your Own Website With Fast Loading Mobile-First Technology...

Our Trenzy Website Builder builds sites for speed. It's what Google likes! Start with one of our beautiful templates and have a full website in just a few minutes.

Website Design vs Our TrenzySite Builder Platform

When deciding to build a website, small business owners often spend a small fortune on designers and programmers only to have the website become obsolete in a few years. Spending time with a website designer, creating content, images, selecting fonts, color schemes, working on logos and reworking the page designs. It can be a painfull experiance. 

Only to have it become obsolete in a few years.

Build a website that is future proofed

Trenzy Website Builder Is EASY to use.


Plus, it's a huge time saver since it automatically optimizes for all screen sizes.


Use our web-builder, or our web design service.

Our sites are built with an adaptive design. This basically means that our system has created a website and web-page layout designed for each type of mobile device, tablet and desktop system. When a page request is received our system recognizes the device as a mobile phone, a tablet or desktop and presents the perfect website, or web-page for that specific device. This design method improves search engine rankings and provides a huge advantage over responsive designs.

Because of changes recently made by Google and other search engines, now is the time to update, or redo your website, or risk having your website loose it's search rank. Google and other search engines are now indexing websites and prioritizing sites build using mobile-first indexing technolory. 

These types of websites are extremly fast compared to other website builders like WorkPress, Wix and others.

WordPress Website Design - Don't be Fooled Again

WordPress was a great website building platform for website designers, but it is no longer a good for small business. Why? It's become way too slow on mobile phones. A slow website costs you're business in two ways;

Lower page rankings on Google. (Google's recent algorithm updates penalize websites with slow mobile page load times.) They now index sites using mobile-first indexing, their looking for websites designed using mobile first technology. (This is different then traditional responsive designs.)

Poor user experience means fewer new customers. (If a website page takes more then 3 seconds to appear it means more back button clicks and that means more lost sales.)

So ask yourself this question - 

Do you want a complicated website that constantly needs attention and updates, that relies on shareware programmed by random people who often disappear from the planet, that Google will only put on page 2 and has become so complicated that today's best cell phones can't load your pages before a visitor clicks the back button? If so, then WordPress is right for you and you should go back to Google to search for a more expensive WordPress website designer. 

Our Trenzy Website Builder creates sites that are built on our mobile first platform that is designed for hosting servers tuned for today's mobile-centric world.  By eliminating complicated, database-heavy back-end CRM systems, our website platform is designed for efficient, fast download speeds on mobile phones.  Bonus - they are so easy to edit, we can train you how to do it in less than an hour. 

What About Website Design on Wix, Weebly, SquareSpace and Other "Free" Platforms?

These platforms are all designed for easy of use, so pretty much anyone can start a website. None of them are designed on mobile first technology for fast loading page speed or good Google rankings. If you choose one of these options you'll save a few bucks up front, but spend years losing sales opportunities. You will also quickly find that they nickel and dime you for features that you want and will end up costing you more in the long run. All for a slow loading website.

If you don't have a website yet, you may think that these platforms are great for your first website. They'll help you get organized and visualize what your business looks like online.  Once you have all your content organized on one of these platforms, feel free to contact us about cloning that site on our platform. We'll turn it into a sales magnet, because that's our specialty.